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Hopewell, VA
Monica Curtis is 59 years old today because Monica's birthday is on 11/28/1965. Before moving to Monica's current city of Hopewell, VA, Monica lived in Virginia Beach VA and Platte City MO. Monica also answers to Monica Curtiss, Monica M Curtis, Monica N Maddox, Monica D Maddux and Monica D Maddox, and perhaps a couple of other names. Background details that you might want to know about Monica include: ethnicity is Hispanic American, whose political affiliation is unknown; and religious views are listed as Christian. Currently, Monica is married. Monica's personal network of family, friends, associates & neighbors include Terri Curtis, Ashur Maddux, Susan Curtis, Terry Curtis and Linda Steele. Monica's annual salary is between $40 - 49,999; properties and other assets push Monica's net worth over $5,000 - $9,999. Full Summary
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