Michael Pence

Michael Pence, 72

Beech Grove, IN

Michael D Pence, Umichael D Pence, Micharl D Penec, Mike Pence
Clerk at Boy Scouting

NEWS FLASH! Trump won 500,000,000 votes and Biden got zero. HA HA HA HA! That's no more of a ridiculous-lie than #45 saying that the election was rigged. I am so glad that 81 million good people wanted him out. And that's the truth. God made the electoral vote count 306 for Biden the same as what D.T. was suppose to have had in 2016, when D.T. cheated-because the Russians helped him get in, in the first place. If the Truth could be known, good joe got more votes, and more states, because the Russians helped D.T. again, but their-cheating wasn't enough this time. The failure-rejected #45's, onslaught of falsehoods about the November election misled millions of Americans, undermined faith in the electoral system, sparked a deadly riot — and has now left taxpayers with a large, and growing, bill. The total so far: $519 million. The costs have mounted daily as government agencies at all levels have been forced to devote public funds to respond to actions taken by Trump and his supporters, according to a Washington Post review of local, state and federal spending records, as well as interviews with government officials. The expenditures include legal fees prompted by dozens of fruitless lawsuits, enhanced security in response to death threats against poll workers, and costly repairs needed after the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol. That attack triggered the expensive massing of thousands of National Guard troops on the streets of Washington amid fears of additional extremist violence. Although more than $480 million of the total is attributable to the military’s estimated expenses for the troop deployment through mid-March, the financial impact of the president’s refusal to concede the election is probably much higher than what has been documented thus far, and the true costs may never be known. The PUTZ needs to be sued to recover the money.

Fact (1) Trump gave away only one quarter of his entire salary (maybe if he did at all). Fact (2) Trump is not the first, Pres. Hoover and Kennedy also did so. How this PUTZ Trump, profited from being President, and why it was all about the money. 1. Trump’s hotels 2. Trump campaign events at Trump properties. 3. Golf club memberships 4. Trump’s own golf trips. Secret Service golf-cart rentals alone cost taxpayers $137,000 in nine months. The payments go to Trump’s business. 5. Republican fundraisers 6. New real estate investors 7. The Trump online store 8. Holiday parties. 9. Forcing the secret service to stay at Trump owned properties and Trump Tower, charging exorbitant rents to the government. Mr. D.T. spent fully one third of his hours in office playing golf, at an enormous cost to the government, 352million dollars. THAT'S 880 YEARS OF PRESIDENTIAL SALARY. Trump's salary didn't amount to diddly squat compared to how much he cost the country. I don't give a-sh*tf*ck about him giving away his salary. Hillary Clinton would NOT have been traveling to play golf. Mr. D.T. lies when he says that he gives charitable donations. On his TV show the Apprentice he would write out big checks to a charitable cause and then the money never arrived. Still waiting. Still waiting. Has Mr. D.T. ever given any of his salary to charity yet? Don't hold your breath I don't think so. President Herbert Hoover was very charitable after he was out of office, but that didn't make up for the immense amount of suffering he caused by starting the great depression..

A real PUTZ! A SHAME-FILLED LEGACY, A-DISGRACE TO THE COUNTRY! The reason checks and balances were built in to our system of government was because someone just like him, some day, would come along. A man so crazy-that his lawyers won't work for him anymore. He deserves to live on the Moon.........ALONE!........Anyone who would be proud of this man would be proud of a pet rattle snake. I just love it, and totally expected of the Deplorable-minions of the MafiaDon. Wonderful and almost perfect President Biden on the job for just days, and all ready every-sin, and-catastrophe on earth is his-fault. Never think about it being the-fault of the-incompetent last administration. The statements of the Republican is probably not true at all, but one thing that is true, is that Mr. D.T. ended his days in office with less people in America employed than the first day he began in office, and that is a complete FACT. He is the first POTUS sense records of this kind started being kept dating all the way back to Pres. Truman. What a record that is. And despite the fact that the adult population has grown in this country over the four years, and welfare has been cut in his years in office. Republicans are now shocked, just totally shocked that there is a deficit. They never mentioned it in four years, they never thought about it, they didn't remember it. It was like what is a deficit? Now that good Joe is in office, Republicans think he should balance the budget like they hammered President Obama to do. Republicans all over America are now shocked, just totally shocked there are people-dying of COVID (tRump Plague). They didn't realize all last year we had a pandemic. Republicans thought it was just the flu. Repubs would lecture everyone who would listen that they didn't have to take precautions, that it was just no worse than the Flu. Now everyday they are counting up the-dead, and putting it on good Joe that it is all his fault. If Republicans like Senator Randel the vandal Paul were on a jury, and a black man was accused of inciting a riot, or an insurrection, the way that Mr. D.T. is guilty-of, Senator paul would vote for a conviction. But for some reason these same-idiots think that D.T. should just get away with any-crime he wanted to commit. You know what? Republicans can STICK IT!

You deplorable minions of Mr. D.T., you never believed in a COVID-19 deaths when D.T. was in office. At least that is what you said that it didn't exist. You said people were dying of other things. So why are you concerned about how many die-each day now? Why do you suddenly believe in COVID now that the Nasty-one is out of office? Very curious! How many will die today because of what D.T. did? How many people-died because Mr. D.T. lied-to the public about the seriousness of the virus? How many people-died because he delayed beginning to fight the war for a month or more? How many people-died because he had crowded election rallies, and didn't require them to cover their faces? How many people-died because Mr. D.T. promoted quack-ideas and people believed it? The American response to COVID-19 has been the worst-country in the world. Those are the facts. That is the truth. The world pities us. No one-died because of Democrats. How many more would be-dying each day now if D.T. had been reelected? Good President Joe Biden has now done more in his first four days than Trump did between Jan and April. Good and Great Joe Biden is saving lives. America loves their good, great new president..

President Andrew Johnson has been finally rescued. 170 historians have all agreed that Mr. D.T. now takes the top spot of the-worst POTUS in our history. TO OUR SHAME! The worst-generation in history voted for him. A new horror movie will be the final days Donald Trump the insane-president. It's all coming out now. Peoples stories from inside the D.T. white house. Heroes in the White house that refused to write up illegal-executive orders for D.T. to sign that would have been a coup. People who refused to go along with the sedition act. Our countries institutions, and checks and balances, were strong enough, the fire wall held, but just barely. We came so close. Ladies and gentlemen........................WE GOT HIM! Yes Virginia, there really is a good new President Joe Biden, a fair and honorable, and intelligent man, an empathetic man, who will be a great leader that will be well loved by Americans. Joe is a man with many good ideas and plans to move America forward for a change. We haven't had forward momentum in four years. God Bless good Joe. Ding-dong the witch D.T. is dead. Which old witch? The wicked witch! Ding-dong the wicked witch D.T. is dead. He's gone where the goblins go, Below - Below - Below Mara-Logo Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out. Ding Dong's the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low Let them know the Wicked Witch D.T. is dead! This is a day of independence for all the Americans and their descendants. Yes, let the joyous news be spread The wicked old witch D.T. at last is dead!

"President-elect Biden, we wish you great success as our President. If you succeed our Nation succeeds. We support you with all our hearts as you seek to bring us together. And to those who think they can overturn the United States Constitution, know this: you will never succeed, president elect Biden, we stand with you today, tomorrow, and forever in defense of our democracy from those who would threaten it. May God Bless all of you and may God Bless America." A video statement made by former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzengger.

America is grateful to God for this great victory for the Democrats. This has not only been a great victory for the Democratic party but also a great victory for AMERICA! What we have here is an incumbent referendum. We also thank all the hard work and effort of many millions of Democrats throughout the nation in every state. Thank you to the Republican groups that have fought with us on our side, and have put their patriotism to America before party. Like the Lincoln Project. To the great and good Republican voters that voted for Joe Biden in this national emergency, it is my hope and wish that President Biden will not disappoint you. Bless the money donors that gave good Joe all the money he needed to help secure this victory. We thank the great-Satan Donald for campaigning like the loser he is. We thank this buffoon idiot for-destroying the Republican party along with himself. America is now on the path of repair from the damage done by tRump and his horrible-pack of appointees. Out with this pile of-shit in January. Trump supporting Republicans made a big mistake by waiting to election day too vote. It is estimated that at least ten thousand voters who would have voted for tRump were too sick with the COVID-19 (tRump Plague) to even stand, not to mention go vote. So they didn't get their votes in to be counted. Biden voters were smart, they voted by mail, and voted early. It has been found that a surge in tRump plague in counties just after each tRump campaign rally. I would invite you and challenge you to compare GDP growth in this economy that we are under with liar corrupt Donald Trump. Just take the time to compare the charts. The GDP growth in the economy under Jimmy Carter was better than this president. The GDP growth under Bill Clinton was much, much better. The GDP growth under LBJ was much better. But to hear this lying POTUS talk he thinks his economy is the best and the supporters of Trump keep saying the economy is roaring along. NOT EVEN CLOSE! There is no roaring economy. Sorry deplorables. Just compare the charts. The last three years of the Obama years created 1.5 million more jobs than the first three years of the Trump dictatorship. Facts are stubborn things Trump Deplorables.

Mr. D.T., He explicitly pursued a policy that killed497000 Americans infected twenty eight million through pure-negligence. It will be recorded in history that Mr. D.T. was a-sickening-failure.A pitiful-pathetic-selfish man. It took more than just Liberals to vote against D.T. My neighbors who have been Republican their whole life voted against him, and then voted Repub party the rest of the down ballet. No one wants a selfish-murderer for POTUS anymore. Most awful-horrible POTUS in the history of the country. While this has not been the worst-year in the history of the country. 2020 will be listed among the-worst. We have experienced the worst-human suffering in our country in my lifetime. Mr. D.T. has brought a crises on this nation of his own making. Yes their would have been deaths-from COVID-19, and an economic slowdown, no matter who was president, but not to this magnitude. 80% of the-deaths, and economic problems from it could have been avoided under some other, any other POTUS. Mr. D.T. is a-murderer. Needless suffering has been experienced under him. I am not joking when I say, we could lose a million American lives before late spring 2021 of more than normal deaths. That is because hospitals have no more room, no more medical staff, running out of drugs, and equipment. Too overwhelmed. People who are going to emergency rooms with other medical problems are being sat up in chairs to wait, and they can't wait, they are-dying. God Help us! The vaccine is wonderful, BUT! If you would recall, not everyone gets a flu shot every year, and because of that we have a quarter million-deaths from the flu each winter. Plus this vaccine is not ready for everyone all at the same time like a flu vaccine is. Be glad of one blessing, that we have gotten rid of this POTUS. (NEWS FLASH)-Fear, terror-and loathing in the United Kingdom. London and parts of England on lock down. New variant of the COVID-19 that spreads 70% faster is on the loose. That's all we need, a mutation that's not helped by the vaccines we have.

WHAT AN AWESOME ACHIEVEMENT THAT MR. D. T. HAS ACCOMPLISHED. TO BE THE ONLY POTUS IN HISTORY TO NOW BE IMPEACHED TWICE IN A FIRST TERM ALSO. WOW! THE GREATNESS IS JUST OVERWHELMING WHAT THIS MAN HAS ACCOMPLISHED. AND ALSO ALL HISTORIANS AGREE HE HAS ACHIEVED THE WORST POTUS IN HISTORY, HE IS SECURE IN THAT. WOW! WOW! He has achieved the most bipartisan impeachment in history. With Republicans in both the House and the Senate voting for conviction. How can one PUTZ achieve all that in one life time. History, HISTORY! For the first time, less people are employed in the country at the end of Mr. D.T.'s term than were employed when he took office. Just overwhelming historical first. How did he do that? “The Trump legacy will include: the most corrupt-administration in American history, the grandest handover of policymaking to corporations of all time, the most overt and vicious-racism and anti-immigrant xenophobia of any administration in modern times, unparalleled-incompetence, cruelty-and callousness in its-mismanagement of the pandemic, and rushing the globe toward climate catastrophe at the exact moment when the world needed the United States to pivot away from fossil fuel reliance,” said Robert Weissman, president of the liberal group Public Citizen. “There’s a long list of ‘accomplishments,’ far beyond these lowlights.”

The hillbilly-idiots who were trying to pull off a coup-insurrection against our elected government were too-damn-stupid to succeed. Even the leader Mr. D.T. muttered that they messed it up. Oh he was very happy at the-chaos, and the attempt they made. They were like a bunch of Planet of the Apes chimpanzees, the way they swarmed in and were ganging up on one police officer-bludgeoning him to-death. and the way they seemed to not care if they were identified. You're on candid camera-stupid! They seemed like people in the movie Idiocracy. Are these people in fly over country that-stupid? It seems they crawled out of a hole in the ground just yesterday. Don't they know there were cameras everywhere. In the Capital building there is probably a camera looking straight down on their-cock while they took a wee in the restroom. Didn't they know there is still an (independent) FBI that will identify, and come after them? Mr. D.T. is not a dictator over law enforcement. Don't they know what they did was many, many Federal-crimes. They sat around the hotel lobbies, bragging-about their-crimes. Don't they know there are cameras in hotel lobbies? The zip tie guy that was completely covered face had a damn-pin on his combat suit that identified him to the state of Tennessee, plus he had his mother with him, what a-moron! What a f*cking-moron! Even when very smart people carefully plan a perfect crime, the FBI investigators manage to catch them. These were no Wolverine gorilla force like in the movie Red Dawn. These red neck-idiots were-stupid. Of course, sure they are-stupid, they support Mr. D.T. One women tweeted her friends back home along with a phone video, and her friends and family turned her in. There is a video on the internet taken by Don Jr. It was taken at the time of the capital attack. Mr. D.T. has his whole family with him and they are happy at what they were watching unfold on the TV monitors. They new ahead of time what was going to happen that day. We are now seeing very clearly the character of Mr. D.T. and his family. And Fox news asks what the purpose of impeaching him would be.

The Oath Keepers that were founded in 2009 because they feared the first black president would turn the country over to the DARK SKINNED FOLK, by way of the Insurrection Act. They are sworn to guard against-tyranny, obey the Constitution and disobey illegal orders from the top, thus saving the country from a dictator. BUT A VERY CURIOUS THING HAPPENED WHEN MR. D.T. took office. They turned into an organization that advocated Mr. D.T. take control of the country by the way of the Insurrection Act and forget the election and the constitution, and create their own form of-tyranny. Who needs to obey a Constitution now. The truth about the Oath Keepers is becoming plain. They were organized to be a-racist, anti liberal, anti democratic, white Fascist-loving organization. An organization that is not made of Patriots, but of-Traitors. Their fear of people who just happen to have dark skin running our government is unfounded and-paranoid. They taught that Pres. Obama had devious intentions and was not to be trusted. Which was-stupid and silly because Pres. Obama had never let on that he had any such intentions. Pres. Obama was just not that type of man. But from everything Mr. D.T. signaled and said that he had every intention of being a strong man-despot. The Oath Keepers started with seemingly good intentions, (or maybe they never had good intentions from the beginning) are now a group of-monsters that-threaten our past democratic institutions, our free elections, and our freedoms. Perhaps it is the fault of the people at the top of the oath keepers that are now running the organization. In any case they are the-enemies of the country today. They need to be all found and fired from their jobs in law enforcement, and the military, and any of them working in government jobs. We can't have people in the military, or in law enforcement, or the government that secretly plotting-insurrection, or mass-disobedience to the law. An organization, a-conspiracy like that is-treasonous and anti-American.
Mr. D.T. does-lies-the way other people breathe. So proud of his record of-killing 460000 Americans so far by letting this plague get out of control. Putin is so proud of his boy. Remember his proud boast after the first-death from COVID-19 that no one else would-die, it would just all go away? Oh yes so proud of that record. He said it would just all go away. HE-LIED! Where the virus came from MAKES NO difference because once here, he let it ravage this nation getting out of control. It's not like China bombed us with a biological weapon over and over again. China did so much better than Mr.D.T. in fighting off the virus in their own country. China cared so much more for their own people than D.T. cared only about his own election. China also developed a Vaccine before we did, but they didn't need it, because they already had it under control within their own boarders. China nipped it in the bud FAST! and the world was amazed. America under Mr. D.T.'s leadership-failed and the world was-sickened that we were no longer exceptional. Mr. D.T.'s inaction caused us to be the worst-nation in the world in our response to this virus. He new it was here, and he new it would be-bad, but he wanted to do nothing. If this-liar-humanscum had a proud record he would have been reelected. There are reasons when a POTUS is not given a second term. Did you know that there are less people employed in America today than when he took office? That is a very painful fact. He is not a man to be proud of. America is so proud that his-stupid mouth triggered an insurrection at the capital building in which a police officer was-murdered. Yes he can be proud. BAAAAAAAA! Puke-my-guts-out! Barf barf! What a PUTZ! Monday we celebrate the life of a man that America can remember and be proud of, Mr. Martin Luther King Jr. The only reason that people like you think he has a proud record is because you are proud of his-racism. There is no other reason than you share-racism with a POTUS who said we love you to the Proud boys.

The President of the people, President Barack H. Obama, our 44th President was voted by a group of over one hundred historians to be our 12th greatest President. AND YES REDNECKS, THEY KNOW BETTER THAN YOU DO! THEY ARE WHAT'S CALLED EXPERTS. Mr. Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu Hawaii. Barack spent most of his youth living in Hawaii. Barack was educated at the University of Hawaii, Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard. President Obama graduated with the honor of Magna-Cum-Laude at Harvard. President Obama beat the Republicans badly in two elections, to achieve two terms of office. President Obama came into office at one of the worst times to start being President. In 2008, then President Bush, had a great recession that was plunging the world's economies into darkness. The new President Obama, and the Democrats in the house, and the Federal reserve, were people of action who turned the economy around by mid 2009. President Obama saved the world from a dark and long depression. President Obama started the longest bull run stock market, and economic expansion in the country's history. President Obama and the democratic congress did the least politically advantageous thing of providing 20 million people with good health insurance. And they were punished for their good deed in the next election. This program the, ACA, is now popular among a majority. President Obama ended Bush's war in Iraq, when Bush couldn't seem to win. That war, started for false reasons over WMD that did not exist. President Obama believes in obeying the country's laws and norms of office. Unlike Trump who does not. President Obama got Osama Bin Laden, when Bush wasn't able to find him. President Obama is the winner of the Nobel Piece Prize, and the Profile in Courage Award. President Obama is a kind, and empathetic president. Barack was raised a Christian by his mother Ann, who was born in Kansas. President Obama has always been a devoted Christian believer, and church attender. There is a video of President Obama on YouTube, singing Amazing Grace. President Obama has always put his trust in God in running the nation, and asked for God's guidance, and blessings for the country. We can be thankful that he did, seeing how successful the raid on the Bin Laden hid out was. He could have accomplished much more if he had, had a democratic congress for his last six years in office. Even so it is an impressive record of achievement. People in the future will carve President Obama's image on Mt. Rushmore. We thank God for those good eight years, and wish he could have had much, much more! God Bless President Obama!President Obama is noted for his cool nature, his steady ship diplomacy, his benevolence, his strength, his comfort with the press, his power and truth with every word said, his intelligence, his patriotism, his loyalty, his carefulness his popularity, his humor, his faith in God. Thank you president Obama for being perfect for us. You will be remembered, unlike Pres. Bush who was forgotten.


WHAT IF DEMOCRATS HAD BEEN ELECTED TO ALL OFFICES IN THE LAST 20 YEARS. JUST SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT. * There would have been "NO" 911. * We would not have spent 3 trillion dollars on two-ruinous wars. * Thousands of U.S. service men would be alive today, and thousands more would not have lost a limb. * There would have not been a great recession that started under Bush in 2007. * Everyone in America would have health insurance coverage as a right. * Global warming would be under control, the world be saved from destruction. * The farmers would have made money on their soybeans in 2019. * The flow of wealth that Republicans are sending to the top 1% would have been stopped. * Assault rifles would be under control, and there would not have been mass-shootings. * We would have seen the warning signs of a global pandemic, and prepared the country, saving thousands of lives and softening the blow to the economy. YA YOU'RE RIGHT, NOT A WHOLE LOT OF IMPROVEMENT. NINE OUT OF THE LAST TEN RECESSIONS BEGAN WHEN A REPUBLICAN WAS PRESIDENT: 1953, A REPUBLICAN IN OFFICE: 1958, A REPUBLICAN IN OFFICE: 1960 A REPUBLICAN IN OFFICE: 1969 A REPUBLICAN IN OFFICE: 1973 A REPUBLICAN IN OFFICE: 1981 A REPUBLICAN IN OFFICE: 1990 A REPUBLICAN IN OFFICE: 2001 A REPUBLICAN IN OFFICE: 2007 A REPUBLICAN IN OFFICE. And a Republican in 1929 started the great depression. And now in 2020 another recession when another Republican is in office. Where ever Democrats govern prosperity follows. Always elect Democrats. The Democratic Party is a welcome mat to everyone. If you are afraid of the new Party of Trump or otherwise disgusted with the Party of Trump. Or perhaps you are being driven out by the sycophant believers of the small hands orange Yeti. We would like to welcome you, if you want to come. Or if you feel more comfortable as being a registered unaffiliated, that's fine and swell too. Perhaps you feel very conservative on some issues, you can work within our party to have an influence within the party. The Republicans are busy trying to drive out Republicans that are lets say mavericks. The Repub party calls them RINOs. Republicans in name only. We would welcome these good people who are capable of thinking for themselves. Trump has marked his territory by-pissing all over you. Don't vote for a nasty-dog. Donald Trump has cost this country greatly. And I mean his entire life, not just when he became POTUS. His entire life has meant a cost to us financially. As a business man he would squander hundreds of millions of dollars in depositors money from bank loans by filing bankruptcy over and over again and not paying his contractors. As president he has destroyed our economy through his negligence. I personally know many good Republicans, but from my expert opinion, the only good Republican does not hold elected office.

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Date of Birth: 04/15/1952

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Andrew Pence
Andrew Pence

Beech Grove, IN

Reputation Score: 1.79 - 3.86

Suzanne Lowe
Suzanne Lowe

Indianapolis, IN

Reputation Score: 2.63 - 4.14

Debra Pence
Debra Pence

Beech Grove, IN

Reputation Score: 1.59 - 3.00

Adam Pence
Adam Pence

Indianapolis, IN

Reputation Score: 2.21 - 3.86

Boyd Pence
Boyd Pence

Beech Grove, IN

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Maxine Pence
Maxine Pence

Beech Grove, IN

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Marilyn Vandeventer
Marilyn Vandeventer

Beech Grove, IN

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Edith Snyder
Edith Snyder

Beech Grove, IN

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Julie Mcnelis
Julie Mcnelis

Beech Grove, IN

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Betty Foster
Betty Foster

Beech Grove, IN

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Jennifer Hall
Jennifer Hall

Beech Grove, IN

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Alfred Narramore
Alfred Narramore

Beech Grove, IN

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Leah Fletcher
Leah Fletcher

Beech Grove, IN

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Lisa Mccall
Lisa Mccall

Beech Grove, IN

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Adin Snyder
Adin Snyder

Beech Grove, IN

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Forrest Narramore
Forrest Narramore

Beech Grove, IN

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Joseph Gault
Joseph Gault

Beech Grove, IN

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