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Detroit, MI
Melanie Weaver's birthday is 04/23/1965 and is 59 years old. Previous to Melanie's current city of Detroit, MI, Melanie Weaver lived in Clinton Township MI and Clinton Twp MI. In the past, Melanie has also been known as Melanie Louise Weaver and Melanie L Weaver. PROGRAMMER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES at Police Department is presently Melanie's occupation. Personal details about Melanie include: political affiliation is currently a registered Unaffiliated/Non Affiliated; ethnicity is African American; and religious views are listed as Christian. Currently, Melanie is single. Melanie maintains relationships with many people -- family, friends, associates, & neighbors -- including Melvin Weaver, Louise Weaver, Louise Weaver, Brittany Harris and Irene Chism. Taking into account various assets, Melanie's net worth is greater than $10,000 - $24,999; and makes between $50 - 59,999 a year. Full Summary
Court, Arrest or
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Sex Offender