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Corpus Christi, TX
Jose Pena's birthday is 07/17/1962 and is 62 years old. Previous to Jose's current city of Corpus Christi, TX, Jose Pena lived in Deer Park TX and Pasadena TX. In the past, Jose has also been known as Jose R Pena, Jose Roel Pena and Jose Roel Pena. Jose's present occupation is listed as a Branch Manager at Kohls CORP. Jose received education at RICHARD KING HIGH SCHOOL and HALLMARK INST OF AERONAUTICS. Other family members and associates include Ayron Pena, Mario Pena, Jose Pena, Monica Pena and Dorian Pena. Full Summary
Alice, TX
Reputation Score: 0.15 - 1.98
Corpus Christi, TX
Austin, TX
Reputation Score: 2.55 - 3.76
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