John Nealis

John Nealis, 43

Sharpsburg, GA

John Gardner Nealis, John P Nealis, John P G Nealis, John Parker Gardner, John Parker Gardner Nealis, Parker Nealis, Parker G Nealis, Parker Gardner Nealis John, Parker John Nealis, John Parker Nealis
Account Rep at North American Money Order

John Nealis is 43 years old and was born on 09/22/1981. Before moving to John's current city of Sharpsburg, GA, John lived in Atlanta GA, Mason OH and Newnan GA. In the past, John has also been known as John Gardner Nealis, John P Nealis, John P G Nealis, John Parker Gardner and John Parker Gardner Nealis. John's present occupation is listed as an Account Rep at North American Money Order. Personal details about John include: political affiliation is currently a registered Unaffiliated/Non Affiliated; ethnicity is Caucasian; and religious views are listed as Christian. Jessica Nealis, George Nealis, Sarah Nealis, Anna Clere and Stanley Butt, and many others are family members and associates of John. John's reported annual income is about $100 - 149,999; with a net worth that tops $10,000 - $24,999.   Full Summary

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Perosonal Details

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 09/22/1981

Political Party: Unaffiliated/Non Affiliated

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Religion: Christian

Income: $100 - 149,999

Net Worth: $10,000 - $24,999



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Grad: 2000

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Title: Account Rep

Company: North American Money Order


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Title: Sales Manager

Company: CBeyond Communications


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Title: Director of International Operations

Company: SMR


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Title: Real Estate Manager

Company: SMR


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Title: Go to Guy

Company: SMR


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Work+ Add

Title: Account Rep

Company: North Amercan Money Order


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Family & Friends View All

4 Relatives & Associates

Jessica Nealis
Jessica Nealis

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 2.23 - 4.24

George Nealis
George Nealis

Williamson, GA

Reputation Score: 1.28 - 3.05

Sarah Nealis
Sarah Nealis

Jonesboro, GA

Reputation Score: 2.32 - 4.33

George Nealis
George Nealis

Williamson, GA

Reputation Score: 1.40 - 2.81

16 Neighbors

Anna Clere
Anna Clere

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 2.23 - 3.86

Stanley Butt
Stanley Butt

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 1.52 - 3.03

Sara Gomez
Sara Gomez

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 2.66 - 3.93

Catherine Gomez
Catherine Gomez

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 2.00 - 3.43

David Trott
David Trott

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 0.00 - 1.98

David Whittaker
David Whittaker

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 2.20 - 3.45

Marcos Rodriguez
Marcos Rodriguez

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 2.13 - 3.76

James Clere
James Clere

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 1.58 - 3.05

Elizabeth Willis
Elizabeth Willis

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 1.61 - 3.74

Joshua Nolff
Joshua Nolff

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 1.40 - 2.93

Douglas Domeck
Douglas Domeck

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 2.96 - 4.31

David Trott
David Trott

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 2.71 - 4.12

Audrey Domeck
Audrey Domeck

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 2.40 - 3.93

James Willis
James Willis

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 2.89 - 4.36

Angela Williams
Angela Williams

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 1.96 - 3.29

Demarcus Burnett
Demarcus Burnett

Sharpsburg, GA

Reputation Score: 0.63 - 1.98

20 Classmates

Tamara Thompson
Tamara Thompson

Lithonia, GA

Reutation Score: 1.59 - 3.40

Brandon Smith
Brandon Smith

Barnesville, GA

Reutation Score: 2.44 - 4.39

Daniel Christopher
Daniel Christopher

Mcdonough, GA

Reutation Score: 1.41 - 2.64

Roxanne Yazzie
Roxanne Yazzie

Phenix City, AL

Reutation Score: 2.95 - 4.36

Kimberly Wright
Kimberly Wright

Kennesaw, GA

Reutation Score: 1.66 - 3.19

Gerald Benton
Gerald Benton

Asheville, NC

Reutation Score: 1.09 - 3.10

Samuel Hutton
Samuel Hutton

Jonesboro, GA

Reutation Score: 2.08 - 3.55

Linda Cho
Linda Cho

Atlanta, GA

Reutation Score: 1.67 - 3.20

Kristy Biddy
Kristy Biddy

Auburn, GA

Reutation Score: 3.27 - 4.54

Tywana Douglas
Tywana Douglas

Jonesboro, GA

Reutation Score: 1.12 - 3.19

Joseph Mcmullen
Joseph Mcmullen

Lilburn, GA

Reutation Score: 2.69 - 3.86

Stephanie Pearson
Stephanie Pearson

Riverdale, GA

Reutation Score: 0.51 - 2.58

Laquanta Holloway
Laquanta Holloway

Riverdale, GA

Reutation Score: 1.72 - 3.17

Jason Abraham
Jason Abraham

Elizabethtown, KY

Reutation Score: 3.22 - 4.53

Jasmine Stephens
Jasmine Stephens

Temple Terrace, FL

Reutation Score: 1.55 - 3.26

Janelle Mcmillan
Janelle Mcmillan

Gainesville, GA

Reutation Score: 2.52 - 4.15

Leah Lunsford
Leah Lunsford

Alpharetta, GA

Reutation Score: 2.77 - 4.12

Kenneth Hogg
Kenneth Hogg

Independence, MO

Reutation Score: 1.53 - 3.18

Thomas Tinsley
Thomas Tinsley

Stockbridge, GA

Reutation Score: 2.40 - 3.55

Teneka Thomas
Teneka Thomas

Riverdale, GA

Reutation Score: 1.90 - 3.15

Contact Information

Current Address

16*** **** Cv GA 30277-1757

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Year Built: 1994

Baths: 4.00

Property Lot Size: 5.52 AC

Building Area: 4252


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