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Merritt Island, FL
Jeffrey Smith is 44 years old today because Jeffrey's birthday is on 05/20/1975. Jeffrey's Reputation Score is 3.23. Jeffrey Smith currently lives in Merritt Island, FL; in the past Jeffrey has also lived in La Vista NE and Alamogordo NM. In the past, Jeffrey has also been known as Jeffrey E Smith, Jeffrey Eugene Smith and Jeffrey Smith. We know that Jeffrey's political affiliation is currently a registered Independent; ethnicity is Caucasian; and religious views are listed as Other. We know that Jeffrey is married at this point and has no kids. Jeffrey has many family members and associates who include Larry Smith, Kendra Trueblood, and Kristin Smith. Jeffrey's reported annual income is about $175 - 199,999; with a net worth that tops Greater than $499,999. Full Summary
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