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Macon, GA
James Smith is 67 years old and was born on 12/20/1956. Previously city included Columbus GA. James E Smith and James Edward Smith are some of the alias or nicknames that James has used. James's present occupation is listed as a Senior Vice President at Cougar Village Apts. Nicole Smith, Kira Smith, Santana Smith, Tamara Smith and Jackie Cox, and many others are family members and associates of James. Full Summary
Check Full Reputation Profile, (James's) complete education history, high school and college, may be available.
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Reputation Score: 2.25 - 3.76
Reputation Score: 2.03 - 3.98
Reputation Score: 1.58 - 2.81
Savannah, GA
Reputation Score: 2.85 - 4.26
Reputation Score: 2.29 - 3.76
Savannah, GA
Reputation Score: 1.97 - 3.22
Reputation Score: 1.83 - 3.94
Court, Arrest or
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Sex Offender