James Smith

James Smith, 85

Columbus, GA

James N Smith, James Howard Smith, James H Smth, James H Smith, James H Smith, James H Smith

James Smith is 85 years old today because James's birthday is on 01/02/1939. Currently, James lives in Columbus, GA. James also answers to James N Smith, James Howard Smith, James H Smth, James H Smith and James H Smith, and perhaps a couple of other names. We know that James's political affiliation is unknown; ethnicity is African American; and religious views are listed as unknown. We know that James is single at this point. Shakeeta Smith, Mary Smith, Pamela Cotton, Kennard Smith and Cheryl Smith, and many others are family members and associates of James. Taking into account various assets, James's net worth is greater than $100,000 - $249,999; and makes between $10 - 19,999 a year.   Full Summary

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Perosonal Details

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 01/02/1939

Political Party:

Ethnicity: African American


Income: $10 - 19,999

Net Worth: $100,000 - $249,999

Relationship: Single


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Year: 2013


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Year: 2006


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37 Relatives & Associates

Shakeeta Smith
Shakeeta Smith

Indianapolis, IN

Reputation Score: 1.56 - 2.93

Mary Smith
Mary Smith

Phenix City, AL

Reputation Score: 2.43 - 3.76

Pamela Cotton
Pamela Cotton

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 2.25 - 3.76

Kennard Smith
Kennard Smith

Cookeville, TN

Reputation Score: 2.98 - 4.25

Cheryl Smith
Cheryl Smith

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 2.97 - 4.14

Mary Hardeman
Mary Hardeman

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 2.33 - 3.76

Nehemiah Smith
Nehemiah Smith

Reputation Score: 2.29 - 3.76

Marie Smith
Marie Smith

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 1.44 - 2.81

Marie Smith
Marie Smith

North Potomac, MD

Reputation Score: 0.92 - 2.43

Roger Smith
Roger Smith

Columbus, GA

Tina Smith
Tina Smith

Columbus, GA

James Smith
James Smith

Alexandria, VA

Reputation Score: 0.16 - 2.03

James Smith
James Smith

Atlanta, GA

Reputation Score: 1.59 - 3.12

Stacey Smith
Stacey Smith

Paris, IL

Reputation Score: 2.81 - 3.98

James Brown
James Brown

Hinesville, GA

Reputation Score: 2.12 - 3.95

Amy Smith
Amy Smith

Woodbridge, VA

Reputation Score: 1.28 - 2.81

Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 0.90 - 2.53

Gary Smith
Gary Smith

Alexandria, VA

Kenneth Smith
Kenneth Smith

Prattville, AL

Reputation Score: 2.16 - 3.41

Mary Smith
Mary Smith

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 1.12 - 3.17

John Smith
John Smith

Alexandria, VA

Marie Smith
Marie Smith

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 1.24 - 3.29

Kermit Smith
Kermit Smith

Hendersonville, NC

Reputation Score: 0.22 - 1.93

Walton Smith
Walton Smith

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 3.03 - 4.26

Earl Smith
Earl Smith

Knoxville, TN

Reputation Score: 2.13 - 3.76

Kenneth Smith
Kenneth Smith

Cedar Falls, IA

Reputation Score: 1.89 - 4.02

Paulette Smith
Paulette Smith

Prattville, AL

Reputation Score: 2.03 - 3.26

Frances Smith
Frances Smith

Killeen, TX

Reputation Score: 1.87 - 4.00

Zoltan James
Zoltan James

Midland, GA

Reputation Score: 2.43 - 4.36

Mary Smith
Mary Smith

Sweetwater, TN

Reputation Score: 2.22 - 4.05

Jacqueline Hertweck
Jacqueline Hertweck

Ormond Beach, FL

Reputation Score: 2.53 - 4.36

James Smith
James Smith

Athens, GA

Reputation Score: 1.50 - 2.81

Brandy Clemons
Brandy Clemons

San Antonio, TX

Reputation Score: 0.77 - 2.88

Charles Smith
Charles Smith

Salem, AL

Reputation Score: 1.78 - 2.96

Stephanie Alford
Stephanie Alford

Madison, AL

Reputation Score: 1.92 - 3.93

Kimberly Bailey
Kimberly Bailey

San Antonio, TX

Reputation Score: 1.45 - 2.96

Christina Smith
Christina Smith

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 1.93 - 3.76

19 Neighbors

George Hubbard
George Hubbard

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 1.14 - 2.77

David Gunn
David Gunn

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 2.06 - 4.07

Sanora Alexander
Sanora Alexander

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 1.00 - 2.43

Jamesha Walden
Jamesha Walden

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 2.39 - 3.76

Shequandra Coleman
Shequandra Coleman

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 2.29 - 3.86

Tamira Jones
Tamira Jones

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 0.92 - 3.05

Gerald Reid
Gerald Reid

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 0.82 - 2.93

Robert Crayton
Robert Crayton

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 2.63 - 4.09

Latasha Degourville
Latasha Degourville

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 2.54 - 3.87

Marie Brown
Marie Brown

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 1.93 - 3.76

Cynthia Butler
Cynthia Butler

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 2.25 - 3.76

Maria Broadnax
Maria Broadnax

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 0.00 - 1.98

Annie Buckner
Annie Buckner

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 3.02 - 4.17

Mark Neville
Mark Neville

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 2.05 - 3.76

Anthony Bryan
Anthony Bryan

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 1.60 - 2.81

Shantavia Thompson
Shantavia Thompson

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 1.99 - 3.76

Marie Brown
Marie Brown

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 1.76 - 3.72

Kimberly Moore
Kimberly Moore

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 2.21 - 4.14

Thaddous Woods
Thaddous Woods

Columbus, GA

Reputation Score: 0.00 - 1.39


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Columbus, GA 31907

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