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Denham Springs, LA
Derick Hackett is 55 years old and was born on 01/28/1969. Derick Hackett currently lives in Denham Springs, LA; in the past Derick has also lived in Austin TX. Derick also answers to Derick Sean Hackett, Derick S Hackett, Derrick Hackett and Derick Jean Hackett, and perhaps a couple of other names. Right now Derick is a Communications Officer at State of Texas. Places that Derick was educated include M.D. COLLINS HIGH SCHOOL and SOUTHERN UNIV A&M COLLEGE. Derick's ethnicity is African American, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Unaffiliated/Non Affiliated; and religious views are listed as Christian. Derick's relationship status is single. Derick's personal network of family, friends, associates & neighbors include Coretta Hackett, Lawayne Hackett, Grace Hackett, Darrell Hackett and Lewayne Hackett. Derick's reported annual income is about $40 - 49,999; with a net worth that tops $1 - $4,999. Full Summary
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Sex Offender