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San Antonio, TX
Danielle McClinton is 46 years old today because Danielle's birthday is on 09/28/1978. Before moving to Danielle's current city of San Antonio, TX, Danielle lived in Kirby TX. Sometimes Danielle goes by various nicknames including Danielle Salinas, Danielle V Bailey, Danielle V Mcclinton, Danielle Valentina Mcclinton and Danielle Bailey. Danielle's ethnicity is unknown, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Unaffiliated/Non Affiliated; and religious views are listed as unknown. We know that Danielle is married at this point. Danielle maintains relationships with many people -- family, friends, associates, & neighbors -- including Benjamin Bailey, John Bailey, Darrell Bailey, James Salinas and Jaime Bailey. Full Summary
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Sex Offender