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Oklahoma City, OK
Carol Smith is 67 years old today because Carol's birthday is on 12/06/1957. Carol calls Oklahoma City, OK, home. In the past, Carol has also been known as Carol Leigh Smith, Carol Gray, Carol L Gray, Carol L Graysmith and Carol L Smith. Right now Carol is a Secretary at Roy Smith Electric CO. Carol's ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is unknown; and religious views are listed as Christian. We know that Carol is single at this point. Kathryn Smith, Stacey Smith, Curtis Smith, Cynthia Tappe and Frances Smith, and many others are family members and associates of Carol. Carol's net worth hovers over $50,000 - $99,999 with a yearly income that's about $20 - 29,999. Full Summary
Reputation Score: 1.38 - 3.03
Reputation Score: 0.23 - 1.98
Reputation Score: 2.13 - 3.38
Oklahoma City, OK
Oklahoma City, OK
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