Aaron Ray

Aaron Ray, 30

Orange, TX

Aaron Justin Ray

Aaron Ray's birthday is 11/12/1993 and is 27 years old. Right now, Aaron Ray lives in Orange, TX. Other names that Aaron uses includes Aaron Justin Ray. Personal details about Aaron include: political affiliation is currently a registered Unaffiliated/Non Affiliated; ethnicity is unknown; and religious views are listed as unknown. Aaron is now single. Natasha Brinkley, Alexandra Castaing, Lisa Pomeroy, Arlene Bray and Don Bray, and many others are family members and associates of Aaron.

The President of the people, President Barack H. Obama, our 44th President was voted by a group of over one hundred historians to be our 12th greatest President. AND YES REDNECKS, THEY KNOW BETTER THAN YOU DO! THEY ARE WHAT'S CALLED EXPERTS. Mr. Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu Hawaii. Barack spent most of his youth living in Hawaii. Barack was educated at the University of Hawaii, Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard. President Obama graduated with the honor of Magna-Cum-Laude at Harvard. President Obama beat the Republicans badly in two elections, to achieve two terms of office. President Obama came into office at one of the worst times to start being President. In 2008, then President Bush, had a great recession that was plunging the world's economies into darkness. The new President Obama, and the Democrats in the house, and the Federal reserve, were people of action who turned the economy around by mid 2009. President Obama saved the world from a dark and long depression. President Obama started the longest bull run stock market, and economic expansion in the country's history. President Obama and the democratic congress did the least politically advantageous thing of providing 20 million people with good health insurance. And they were punished for their good deed in the next election. This program the, ACA, is now popular among a majority. President Obama ended Bush's war in Iraq, when Bush couldn't seem to win. That war, started for false reasons over WMD that did not exist. President Obama believes in obeying the country's laws and norms of office. Unlike Trump who does not. President Obama got Osama Bin Laden, when Bush wasn't able to find him. President Obama is the winner of the Nobel Piece Prize, and the Profile in Courage Award. President Obama is a kind, and empathetic president. Barack was raised a Christian by his mother Ann, who was born in Kansas. President Obama has always been a devoted Christian believer, and church attender. There is a video of President Obama on YouTube, singing Amazing Grace. President Obama has always put his trust in God in running the nation, and asked for God's guidance, and blessings for the country. We can be thankful that he did, seeing how successful the raid on the Bin Laden hid out was. He could have accomplished much more if he had, had a democratic congress for his last six years in office. Even so it is an impressive record of achievement. People in the future will carve President Obama's image on Mt. Rushmore. We thank God for those good eight years, and wish he could have had much, much more! God Bless President Obama!President Obama is noted for his cool nature, his steady ship diplomacy, his benevolence, his strength, his comfort with the press, his power and truth with every word said, his intelligence, his patriotism, his loyalty, his carefulness his popularity, his humor, his faith in God. Thank you president Obama for being perfect for us. You will be remembered, unlike Pres. Bush who was forgotten.

The Honorable and great President Barack H. Obama strengthened the United States, and caused other countries to view our great nation with respect more than other nations all around the world. This caused the building of respect, and dignity for the American citizens and its leaders. Obama has great education, and great learning, and knows the law because he was a lawyer, and Trump knows zip about nothing. Trump is following the demands of Russia, and North Korea manipulating-world leaders who used him for their benefit. Trump Follows the Alt-Right-scum so called elite, and their distorted-views. Appease the Alt-RIght, and the rightest-radical, and dangerous-practices. Trump gave away the Kurds our allies to a hostile-nation. He-sucked-up to Russian-criminals. He allowed China to beat us in a-stupid trade war, and slow our economic growth with tariffs. Obama set America on the longest economic expansion in our history. And the greatest stock market bull market. Obama let our great military to be stronger, and become less vulnerable to outside-dangers and-enemies when he stopped the crazy-war spending of George Bush did on Iraq. Barack Obama cared about providing healthcare. Obama stood up to Russia, Trump says yes sir Mr. Putin. BUT NOW we have President Donald J Trump as our Idiot-leader. His-corruption is most obvious even proven with this impeachment which is a telltale sign that the Republicans are-afraid of his immense, and terrorizing leadership . Obama built America up. And Trump the failure-in Chief is bringing us down to be laughed-at by other nations. Lord Help Us!


Why do Republican rightest always bring up the Ferguson unrest as an example of Obama years and race relations. The two have nothing to do with each other. Ferguson was not the fault of Obama. The Ferguson riot was caused by murdering police officers. Police officers who murdered black men. According the hints that we hear now a days from Trump. Trump gives his almighty blessing to the police to do whatever violence they wish. Trump is all for it. If we are to blame Obama, for Ferguson, the we must blame Trump for the El Paso Texas Walmart mass murder. And the many others that have happened on Trump's watch. All of these shooters have been ALT-RIght rightest extremist. There was the terrorist Cesar Sayoc, and all the many mass murder gun men. Robert Bowers, Patrick Cruslus, and Seth Aaron Ator. All of them were Trump followers, and are the true believers in the hate that Trump spews out of his mammoth and hateful mouth. The message that Trump puts out is that all people of color are human scum and criminals, all bad. So how does one reason that race relations is better under Trump. Unless what you are talking about is that the brown people should be lambs to the slaughter, and shut their mouths, and keep their place, don't complain, don't make waves, be afraid. That is not what is meant by good race relations. What that is, is forcing the lid down on a boiling pot.

Do you remember the worst presidential scandal in the history of the country. It rocketed into the news that day. Well in one Network anyway. It was President Obama who did that evil deed. According to Fox news anyway. They thought at the time it had to be the worst scandal. Never mind TeaPot Dome. Never mind WaterGate. Never mind Contra Gate. Never mind Blackwater, Never mind Mr. D.T. lying to the public about COVID and fiddling around doing nothing in Feb. and march. In the opinion of the expert Fox News, the worst scandal was President Obama not wearing a flag pin on his lapel while making a speech in Iowa. They talked about it all day long. They asked was it a rebellion against American values? They said every U.S. Marine would be insulted. It was like the Republic would come to and end that day with Obama forgetting his flag pin. Fox news doesn't seem to realize that allot of us will remember their stupid-chatter because it has been recorded for future generations to view. And then came the infamous photo of Donald Trump walking, side by side, with Obama on a white house visit. Obama was wearing his flag pin, and Trump had no flag pin on. President Obama, realizing that Trump was not wearing his flag pin(Republicans usually wear a bigger flag pin then Dems) rushed to the TV after the event was over to watch Fox News announce the scandal of Trump not wearing a flag pin. But alas, nothing. You would think that Fox would make a big story about that. If you were to think that they did not, then you will be right. And there was the second biggest scandal about Obama that happened in his second week in office. His family flew to Nantucket for a vacation. Not as far to fly as flying to Florida like Trump does every weekend almost. But never mind that was a big Fox news scandal too. And then there was the scandal of too much deficit spending under Obama. Fox News actually had a clock on the back wall spinning up the number of dollars that the deficit was at under Obama. I don't think that clock is still there now that Trump is running up even faster, and faster deficits. Maybe the clock broke under Trump and couldn't keep up? Or maybe Fox news is run by Hypocrites. The deficits during Trump's latest year is running at one trillion per year for the first time in history. That massive increase is causes exclusively by the Republican tax cut bill. The tax cut went to the wall street rich and the corporations. Let's not kid ourselves, that's what Republicans do. Republicans want to cut food stamps and send all the wealth of the country to the top 1%. And that is what is happening. Sense 1974 the top 1% wealth has increase 100 times faster than the bottom 50% has. The last time there has been so much of the nation's wealth locked up in the top 1% (percentage basis not actual dollars) was the year 1928. And we all know what happened after 1928. You just can't keep sending all the money to top. Oh how America longs for the happy, simple days of small scandals .

...........................................DEMOCRATS ARE TRUTH, WISDOM, TEMPERANCE, COURAGE, AND JUSTICE

A must read list of books, "A WARNING" just saying maybe. And the two must read books, for every American voter, "THE DANGEROUS CASE OF DONALD TRUMP" and the book "MAFIA DON: TRUMP'S 40 YEARS OF MOB TIES.

WHAT IF DEMOCRATS HAD BEEN ELECTED TO ALL OFFICES IN THE LAST 20 YEARS. JUST SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT. * There would have been "NO" 911. * We would not have spent 3 trillion dollars on two-ruinous wars. * Thousands of U.S. service men would be alive today.and thousands more would not have lost a limb. * There would have not been a great recession that started under Bush in 2007. * Everyone in America would have health insurance coverage as a right. * Global warming would be under control, the world be saved from destruction. * The farmers would have made money on their soybeans in 2019. * The flow of wealth that Republicans are sending to the top 1% would have been stopped. * Assault rifles would be under control, and there would not have been mass-shootings. * We would have seen the warning signs of a global pandemic, and prepared the country, saving thousands of lives and softening the blow to the economy. YA YOU'RE RIGHT, NOT A WHOLE LOT OF IMPROVEMENT.

.................................................. A TRUE CHRISTMAS TALE OF GRINCH TRUMP THE ORANGE YETI ..................................................................Chapter one: The Beginning.

I could start way back when Donald tRump was 13 and enjoyed throwing rocks at a tormented, and crying three year old boy, or I could tell you about the Donald's school behavior was so atrocious that they named detention after him (go to DT the teacher would say), and tRump gave a teacher a black eye. Or when Trump was a cadet in a private school (reform school for rich kids) and almost through another cadet to his death out a window and had to be stopped just in time by three other cadets. but let's not start there. Let us start with the big Don avoiding the Draft. Young Trump used a fake-medical deferment to avoid going to fight for his country in Vietnam. It was Dr. Braunstein who provided young Don with the excuse. The daughter of the Doctor said that her father had told her that it was a made up-lie, that Donald's father Fred had done her father a favor that he wanted in exchange for getting the help. The false-excuse was that Donald had a bone spurs. Donald Trump played sports all through school, and was good at it with no problems from bone spurs. His ghost bone spurs didn't stop him from playing baseball, and running around the bases, so I would guess that he would have been able to run and hide in Vietnam if he had gone. Trump committed fraud. ....Lets fast forward to the 2016 campaign. Trump makes the unforgivable comment that in his opinion that John McCain was no hero just because he got captured. Well Don when you get a SAM Missile sent right up your-ass, and your plane goes down, and then you break your one leg, and both arms because of a difficult ejection, and then you land in 12 feet of water in a lake. You then can't help but get captured by the enemy. It was a shameful-thing that even one person in this country gave Trump their vote after Trump who dodged the draft made that comment about the great hero John McCain. John McCain could have taught Trump a few things about how to be a man. When Senator John McCain passed away on August 25, 2018 at the age of 81, God received a great saint in heaven, and America lost a great hero. No we liberals did not agree with John politically. But we never argued the fact that he was a great American, and hero, and his contribution to American history was mighty. We all know the name of the man who tried to tarnish his great name. Let us hope in the next election that Republicans will honor John, and correct the mistake of the last election. Yes, we liberals wish that John McCain would have become one of ours, but we still salute Mr. McCain. Thank you John for living a true life of strength, and honor all the way through. You were what America is suppose to be all about. He was Born, John Sidney McCain III, (August 29, 1936 - August 25, 2018) Senator McCain graduated the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958. Served as a Navy pilot aboard four air craft carriers, during the Vietnam war. He had the rank of Navy Captain. Mr. McCain received the Silver Star medal, the Legion of Merit, the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Bronze Star Medal, the Combat "V" and the purple Heart Medal. John was elected to the house of Representatives in 1982. John was elected to be a U.S. Senator from the state of Arizona in 1987. He ran for president on the Republican ticket in the 2008 election. He lived a great and accomplished life that will be remembered......Rest in piece giant among men.

..........................................................CHAPTER TWO - THE SCAM-OF THE DEAL:.

Several things that Donald Trump is not, is one an economist, or a military strategist (thank God we are not in a war yet) or a man of faith, He is not even well educated, he is not one of you, not even smart or an author of his own books. So he is not a writer. Lots of titles of books put under his name, and he didn't write any of them, yes that's right. He has his name on top of many buildings in the world, and he didn't build a great, great majority of them. What he is, is a Con-man, an Artful dodger of a salesman, a Carnival Barker, a P. T. Barnum promoter of himself and his falsely created image. Just an illusion, an image. Trump doesn't even write his own books. He hires what's called in the business, ghost writers that are better at reading, and writing than he is. These ghost writers conduct interviews of Trump, and have Trump notes to go by to get the feel of the man, and what he wants put in his book. Sort of like a speech writer is to a politician.......Someone once told Trump that he must be worth a billion dollars, so Trump adopted the idea, and promoted to the press that he was Billionaire. Trump has always been skilled at talking banks into giving him massive loans. That the banks were always sorry that they gave him. How long and what years Trump has ever had a positive net worth, who knows. Trump won't release his tax returns. And without the tax return schedules he is just free to-lie forever about his net worth We do know that Trump received 143 million dollars of his dad Fred's money spread out over his life time. Money that he has lost in six different bankruptcies. We do know that Trump is the first to lose money on gambling Casinos in a very long time. You have to go back to the days of the Mob in Las Vegas to find a time that a Casino didn't make money. And we all know why Mob run casinos didn't make money (skimming). Which is both curious and suspicious, that Trump couldn't make a go of a cash cow like a casino. Trump should not be running our economy for that reason. Trump's college economics professor called him the most-stupid student he had ever had. And Trump claims to be the smartest man in the world. So many voters have fallen for the Scam-in-Chief Trump the artfulness of the deal.

.............................................................CHAPTER THREE: IN TIME WILL TELL:

Trump dumps election victory was really nothing to brag about, and does not mean he will will repeat it again. Jimmy Carter had a pretty good win the first time, winning a whole lot of southern states which turned out to be a non repeater the second time around. Trump won by just three states in razor thin margin. And he won those three states by only a total 107,000 votes. That's how many people it takes to fill Michigan stadium in Ann Arbor. 68,236 in PA, 11,837 in MI, 27,257 in WI. Really not an election to-brag about, but that doesn't stop Trump. He claimed, in his-lying way, that he had won some sort of landslide. Bullshit-of course. He claimed it was the biggest electoral college win in history. He must have been born yesterday, and not seen the other elections. Trump's electoral college win was 46th down the list out of 58 elections. When you are talking about percentage margin of electoral votes won. Barack Obama's 2008 and 2012 electoral count was bigger, And so on down the list George H.W. Bush, Reagan and Clinton and Nixon and Johnson and Ike and Roosevelt. There is no reason to believe that this unpopular president will be able to repeat what was a-fluke in the 2016 election. The supporters of Trump have one hope in the next election and only one, and that is the Russians again. Moscow Mitch has done nothing, passed nothing to guarantee no foreign interference in the next election. Of course you may see a new player in the 2020 election, the Chinese. They have an interest in seeing Trump not get reelected. What they will do to try in help Democrats is not known. Aside from that, Donald Trump is tremendously unpopular. Presidents who have low popularity, and lots of problems in their first terms do not win reelection. Case in point Jimmy Carter, Ford, and George H.Bush. In my expert opinion Trump will lose.

......................................CHAPTER FOUR: FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS, SELFISHNESS:

The big Don and his supporters make this big deal about Donald giving up his salary that Small amount money he would get in salary is peanuts compared to the money (your money), he spends flying back, and forth every weekend to play golf at his Mar-A-Lago golf resort estate. In his first 853 days in office he made 175 round trips. Costing over 200 years worth of presidential salary. The cost of flying Air Force One back and forth is enormous. You have to consider using up the life of a jet like that, that cost over one billion to build special for the president. What makes it worse is the big lie on the subject of playing golf that he told over, and over again during the campaign. The boasting-Con-man in Chief criticized-President Obama for playing golf allot, when Obama used a golf course close to the Capital. Trump-boasted-to the adoring crowds that he would not be like Obama and play golf. He said he would be a working only president. None of that playing around playing golf for him. That's before he discovered the white house was a dump, and decided to play golf on the weekends after all to get away from the dump white house. Who needs to work when your a King President. Everything is the Donald. The big Don doesn't like to listen to briefings, can't keep his mind off his golf score, can't wait to waist the taxpayer money to go back to weekend golfing. This was one of Trump's biggest-lies. He conned-you. Trump has now long ago spent more time golfing than Obama did in eight years or any other president. And there was the big deal the supporters of Trump made about him going to Afghanistan to have Thanksgiving dinner with the troops giving up a weekend of golfing. Why the poor man, what a sacrifice that was. Did you know that every president did that? Obama, and Bush and Clinton. And not just President Clinton. But Mrs Clinton Secretary of State also did that

...................................................CHAPTER FIVE: A LECHER IS AS A LECHER DOES:

The most shocking development of the 2016 campaign on the Trump side was the Access Hollywood tape, and the Donald's-lewd statement about assaulting-women and grabbing their-pussy. He sounded a whole like a college boy in a locker room not any man that should be the leader of the free world. It was a window into the mind of a carnal-Trump. It is mind that is not only materialistic but-lewd. Access Hollywood holds many other behind the scene tapes that hold even more evidence of-racist statements, and more remarks about-abuse of women. Unfortunately the tapes will never be heard publicly until well after Trump's life span is over. Then maybe for history sake, just like the Nixon tapes they will be played, so people in the future will know more fully just what kind of beast-Trump was.......Mr. Trump also engaged in at least two-affairs that we know of. Karen McDougal an x-Playboy model, and Stephanie Clifford (Stormy Daniels) a porn-star. Both-affairs happened during the marriage of Trump with Melania. Melania's whole public attitude was that boys will be boys. She should have-divorced him when it came out during the campaign. Both Karen and Stormy were paid hush money. A legal entanglement as to whether it was a violation of campaign law in the payoffs.

..........................................................CHAPTER SIX: THE BIG GUY IS SLIPPING:

The words that have been used over and over again by White House staff is "the big guy is slipping", and the big guy is slipping some more.There is something-wrong with Trump's mind. He is not-normal, and we should all be concerned. A prominent psychiatrist that I heard speak on a TV interview, said you can trace Trump's cognitive decline by watching all the interviews of Trump down through the years starting with an interview in 1980. He said the first interview in 1980 showed that Trump was intelligent, and could speak an entire paragraph that made clearly coherent sense. But down through the years you can see the cognitive-decline taking place. Today Trump-rambles and -mumbles-and doesn't speak in complete sentences, and repeats the same line often. Sometimes not completing a sentence. He says Trump has lost about 15-20 points in IQ down through the years. He says the decline is now alarmingly rapid. The most dangerous part of all this is that Trump's personality doesn't allow him to admit the problem going on in his own head. Instead Trump projects to others. Charging others like Nancy Pelosi and Adam schiff, that they are-crazy and-stupid, which is of course is absurd. One previous President that had a mind/memory problem was President Reagan. But President Reagan new he had Alzheimer's disease when he was in his second four years, and allowed others like Nancy and his staff to help him. We are just lucky that Reagan didn't have to deal with any National crises in his second four years*

...............................................CHAPTER SEVEN: TOILET MOUTH
Do words really matter in politics any longer? If you have a boorish, surly, churlishly talking and behaving candidate in an election, should we vote against that? And pay any heed to that? Are we justified in our worry? Should we be worried? No one can deny that Trump is all of that. Except for Trump himself, who projects on others. Trump claims the bad names apply to others not to himself. From the look on the faces of those who come to be entertained by their idol Trump at his rallies. Their look is that of joy, and pleasure, hearing him call people, "human scum". The words, Human scum, is just the latest, and worst that Trump has come up with. Mr. Trump uses the human scum to describe any never Trumper, any one in the press he doesn't like, any Democrat or Republican that doesn't vote for him, any Democrat in Congress, any court judge that rules against what he does, any Whistle Blower that puts country, and the laws of the country ahead of Donald J.Trump. Mr. Trump does not realize that he in turn he is being called those same things right back, and respect for his office drops to nothing. Case in point the world leaders at the latest summit that joked about him behind his back. We should all know what Trump should remind us of. There was that certain German dictator back in the 1930s that came along, and started calling the Jews, Vermin, dirty-Vermin. And we all know the outcome of that horrible-hate when that dictator's-anger and mental problems continued to boil year after year. The people who act like they are enjoying Mr. Trump's-hate so much, should be regarding him as the sum of all fears. Mr. Trump does not talk like a democratically elected President. He talks like a Despot, a Tyrant, a Thesaurus. Leader of free nations just don't talk like him. You know in schools today there is a no bullying policies, and no name calling. But yet the parents of the children are setting an example of a double standard for their children that they will tolerate the vile-words from Trump's mouth. This is the final warning...

..................................CHAPTER EIGHT: THE FINAL WARNING!

Who behaves like Trump?-Deviants. And-delinquents. Even as a child in the 1950s Donald Trump showed a stubborn tendency to deviate from the very principles that underpin civilization. Trump explained in an interview that he felt most people are “not worthy of respect,” and this was the attitude he would carry through life. He never felt that the rules applied to him or that he should take responsibility for any harm he caused. Trump’s deviant-personality naturally led to delinquent-behavior, including giving a teacher a black eye and continually refusing to comply with basic rules. “I was a very rebellious kid,” Trump told in the interview. “I loved to fight.” More concerning was Trump’s suggestion that he hasn’t changed since first grade. “The temperament,” he revealed, “is not that different.” Fred Trump, his father, became so worried about his behavior that he sent 13-year-old Donald to military school. In those days New York Military Academy was, for kids like Trump, an alternative to a juvenile detention facility. At the military academy Trump started out as defiant, especially compared with those he described as “normal kids.” When he conformed, he did it to manipulate. His mentor at the school said that Trump was the most “conniving” kid he ever met. After a baseball game, for example, he demanded a younger schoolmate agree that he had hit a home run that never happened. The boy, feeling the pressure, complied. An adult Trump began his career by submitting unsigned contracts to get his first development project approved. He posed as other people on the phone to spread flattering stories in the press. Cheating-lying — he considered this stuff innocent fun. Once he was able to capture press attention at will, he made-cruelty and disruption hallmarks of his public persona. As New York Mayor Ed Koch called for calm after the assault on a jogger in Central Park shocked the city, Trump ran newspaper ads calling for the death penalty for those (wrongly, it turned out) accused of the-crime. Delinquents-often find their deviance to be profitable. They create organizations governed by alternative norms — think gangs, pyramid schemes, Trump “University” — and can frighten bystanders into setting aside their own values to seek safety. Shopkeepers pay protection money. "IT IS WHAT IT IS".
TEN THINGS THAT TRUMP HAS DONE THAT IS ALMOST AS BAD AS CALLING WAR VETERANS LOSERS. #10. Donald Trump attempted to extort-lies from a foreign government to gain a political edge over Joe Biden. #9 Trump refused to act after bin Salman kidnapped, tortured, dismembered, and murdered Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. #8 Trump dealt with accountability crisis by getting rid of inspector generals. #7 Trump has handed out pardons for his pals, even when they’re clearly-guilty. #6 Trump regularly encourages police and others to use violence. #5 Trump is still overlooking Russia’s offer of bounties for the murder-of U.S. troops. #4 Trump’s wall still doesn’t exist … and that the only thing good about this story. #3 Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has encouraged-racism at every turn. #2 Donald Trump put children in cages out of a desire to ramp up-cruelty. #1 Donald Trump deliberately allowed COVID-19 testing to-fail in order to conduct-genocide. Donald Trump is a worthless pile of-shit!!!

The thing that you need to ask yourself is. If Trump was an employee of your business, and he was known women assaulter, and a liar, and a bully employee. And knowing that he breaks laws, and makes up excuses for breaking laws. And other people who work with him consider him so odd that he is crazy to everyone around him. And he displays a hot temperament to others who disagree with him. would you keep that man employed if you were running a business? A growing majority of Americans are saying no...Do you know the one thing that the truth never does? The truth never evolves. But that is what Trump does. He evolves his story. He lies!...

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Date of Birth: 11/12/1993

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Natasha Brinkley
Natasha Brinkley

Orange, TX

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Alexandra Castaing
Alexandra Castaing

El Paso, TX

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Lisa Pomeroy
Lisa Pomeroy

Bridge City, TX

Reputation Score: 2.96 - 4.43

Arlene Bray
Arlene Bray

Orange, TX

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Don Bray
Don Bray

Orange, TX

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Tina Wallace

Orange, TX

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Danielle Burch

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Allen Liles

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Charlotte Liles

Orange, TX

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Cousuelo Alfaro
Cousuelo Alfaro

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Johnnie Harvey
Johnnie Harvey

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Jasmine Lewis
Jasmine Lewis

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Stephanie Markel
Stephanie Markel

Orange, TX

Reputation Score: 1.88 - 3.21

Christopher Alfaro
Christopher Alfaro

Orange, TX

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Margaret Ilger
Margaret Ilger

Orange, TX

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